Understand the city map, the metro and French culture
Fine-tune your agenda and itinerary
Avoid tourist traps and discover Parisians’ secret addresses
On your first day in Paris, I will meet you at your hotel or apartment to discuss your stay. This will be your moment to ask all your questions, whatever they are. I will give you all the information you need about transport, opening hours, prices, ways and customs… I will suggest you itineraries, activities, addresses and give you many insider tips.
We will have a walk in the area you live in to show you around: the nearest supermarket, the best baker’s … and I will help you with your first steps in the city and the metro.
After this, if you have any problems or questions, I will remain at your disposal on the phone throughout your stay.
During this meeting, I will provide you with my home-made Parisian book. In it, you will learn stories about Paris, its architecture and sights, find advice such as ’how to survive in the metro’ or ’how to choose french wine and cheese’ and discover original surprises. It will remain a great souvenir of Paris !
This service includes :
A 1.5-hour personal meeting at your hotel / apartment on your first day.
A help with your first steps in the metro and in the city.
Maps filled in with suggested addresses and strolls.
The `Just’in Paris` book with everything you need to know to feel like a Parisian.
A 7/7 phone assistance throughout your stay.